Surgical Intensive Care Unit

General Information

  • Days: 0630 to 1830, Nights: 1830 to 0630

    • You will receive an email asking for schedule requests a few months prior to your SICU block.

      • You may request one weekend off. You may not request weekdays off.

    • Interns will typically take 2 nights followed by a post call day

  • Team: Senior, Intern, NP/PA

  • Location: 2nd Floor Mather (next to ORs)

    • The unit is called the TSICU, aka the Trauma and Surgical ICU. It is a shared unit between the Anesthesia-Crit Care team and Trauma-Crit Care team. Teams are separate and we are only responsible for the Surgical ICU patients, although we occasionally lend a hand to our TICU friends for airway support.

  • Morning sign out: 0630 (PLEASE BE ON TIME!)

    • Pay attention to sign out for every patient even if they are not yours!

  • 0700 to 0830: pre-round on your patients, introduce yourself to nurses for your patients

    • Begin your note early so you can update it while you pre-round and make any adjustments after rounds.

  • 0830: Rounds with attending. Generally start between 0830 and 0900.

    • We generally like at least two members of the team to bring a WOW. One person puts in orders, the other updates sign out.

    • Pay attention to every presentation! You may end up taking care of those patients during nights.

  • After rounds: finish notes, double check orders are in, communicate with nurses.

  • You MUST sign out your patient to another member of the team if you leave the unit for any reason. We take turns getting lunch so the unit is always staffed.

  • Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1300-1400

  • Respond to Code Blues. We generally go to all code blues in the hospital and help manage the airway.

    • There is a large red “airway box” near the computers. It includes airway devices and a small set of airway drugs.

    • If opened, return the drug box to pharmacy and the rest of the box to the anesthesia work room for replacement.

  • Continue to monitor your patients throughout the day. The nurses are amazing and generally will keep you updated, however that patient is ultimately your responsibility. When in doubt, always ask other members of the team for help.

  • Evening sign out: 1830

    • Discuss major events of the day, things for night team to follow up on overnight.