Chronic Pain

Department chair: Dr. Hayek
Attendings: Dr. Khalil, Dr. Lawrence
Location: Main campus, Westlake campus, Richmond campus, Ahuja campus
On the first day of the rotation: Report on Monday at 0700 in the Bolwell conference room near the Cleveland Coffee cart and Bolwell pharmacy. You should receive communication from one of the fellows regarding your schedule on weekly basis.

Education: Every Monday 7am - weekly pain conference

Chronic pain PGY-1 Goals & Objectives <download>
Chronic pain Sr. Goals & Objectives <download>

Welcome to Chronic Pain Management

Please read this before your FIRST DAY!

The Ultimate Resident Guide - Chronic Pain section



You are expected to take history and examine the patient, staff with the attending, and then write the note after discussing the plan with both the attending and patient. Try to be quick and efficient and write clear notes (ask to use Dragon when off site!).

Ketamine infusion


For the time being, we do not offer Ketamine infusions at either UH Main Campus or Ahuja- we have been referring patients to Parma or putting them on a waiting list.



Under the fellows guidance: consent pts, place IV if nurses haven’t, review note to ensure proper procedure

Chronic Pain Resources & Opportunities


  • Research opportunities can be found here