Town Hall
Masthead Brewing Co.
1261 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114
Come socialize, ask questions, and help steer the residency!
January Journal Club
Cardiovascular Anesthesia Journal Club!!!
Organized by Dr. Vaibhav Bora
AKT-23 & Senior Picture!
AKT for CA3s
Followed by Senior Picture! So look pretty for your AKT!
Town Hall Meeting
Resident Town Hall Meeting
Where? Luna’s & also via Zoom
Time? @ 630pm
Announcements to be made and things to be discussed!
Block 6 schedule request DUE
Hi all,
Your request for block 6 schedule is due on 8/21 Friday.
Please submit all your requests on Qgenda by that time. Any changes after that may not be seen by me and will not be guaranteed.
Thank you!
Scheduling Chief
Anesthesia Tool Box Virtual Curriculum
Every Wednesday!
The Virtual Learning Schedule can be found under Study Guides, or here:

MARC 2020 - Cancelled
2020 MARC - Midwest Anesthesiology Resident ‘s Conference has been officially postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Please refer to the letter below that was sent out by the committee from MARC:
Good afternoon,
Based on the safety and health of each of you, the Executive Committee of The Association of Midwest Academic Anesthesia Chairs (AMAAC) has determined to postpone the 2020 MARC and the event will not be held April 24-26, 2020 in Milwaukee, WI.
Please see below for some answers to questions you may have regarding the conference. We will send additional details and developments as soon as possible.Will MARC 2020 be rescheduled?
We are reviewing our options and hope to reschedule this summer or early fall
What should I do with my hotel reservations?
All hotel reservations will be cancelled on behalf of attendees by the MARC manager. Should we reschedule the meeting, details about booking rooms will be sent out at that time.
Faculty & Residents - if rescheduled:
Submitted Abstracts will be utilized
Submitted presentation (Power Point) will be utilized
Registration fees will be applied to new dates
If unable to attend, further accounting communications forthcoming
Exhibitors & Sponsors - if rescheduled:
Registration, exhibit and sponsor fees will be applied to new dates
If unable to attend, further accounting communications forthcoming
Finally, please look for a survey link in the week ahead allowing us to ascertain your opinions on further MARC matters.
AMAAC Executive Committee
Dr. LienAMAAC PresidentMedical College of Wisconsin
Dr. LewisAMAAC Immediate Past PresidentHenry Ford Hospital
Dr. VoronovAMAAC President-ElectCook County Healthy and Hospital Systems
Dr. Mc FarlandAMAAC Treasurer & SecretaryUniversity Hospitals of Cleveland

Required training for COVID - Sign-Up
There are 3 things that we will ask all of you to do in preparation for COVID, since any of you might be pulled to the unit during this time frame.
1. Donning and Doffing – most self-contamination happens during doffing, and you need to have this straight for your own safety.
2. Prone Education – Dr. Pesa has firsthand knowledge of this being quite a pain and a bit different from flipping on a Jackson table. You may be pulled into a room to help nursing with this. You’re the doctor, you have to know all the steps.
3. Fit Testing – this is mostly done. If you do not know your size, please contact Lauren. I don’t need to explain why this is important.
Please review the attached prep material.
Training with be provided on Thursday and Friday on the first two items.
Prone Training – held in CTICU Bed 20
Donning/Doffing – held in Bolwell 2400 Classroom

Blood Drive
Hey guys!!
We have the sign up link for the UH blood drive on Thursday, March 26th from noon-6p. We tried to organize so the blood donated would stay at UH, but the way it works, it gets tested and then goes out to where it is needed based on many different factors. That being said, the whole country is in need so we still wanted to give people the opportunity to donate!
They are giving us first dibs on sign up so if you'd like to donate, please sign up for a time slot ASAP and let me know the exact time you signed up for and what you are on that day (OR, call, vacay, ICU ect).
If you are in the OR, we will figure out relief for you (or you can try to sign up for a later slot).
If you are on vacation/precall/postcall, you can sign up for whenever you would like to go.
If you are on an off OR rotation, we will figure that out as well.
If you do not want to/can't donate for ANY reason, that is not a problem at all! There is no obligation whatsoever. If this is the case though, and you are available/would still like to help in other ways, we will likely need people to give breaks to facilitate, so let me know that as well!
As Max suggested, I will definitely make treats for everyone regardless of if you donate or not (we are all helping each other constantly and could use a little pick me up =] ).
Please let me know if you have any questions and again, try to sign up as soon as possible as this will be opened up to all of UH very soon. Link below, make sure you select the UH Rainbow Area option--
Click here to make an appointment

Match celebration - cancelled
Match celebration that was scheduled for March 20, 2020 has been cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

March Journal Club - cancelled
March Journal Club is officially cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Journal club will most likely resume in April, but TBA.